KFC Crispy Chicken Recipe

If you get the perfect mix of people, the KFC Crispy Chicken recipe is a bonus. Crispy chicken always rings my bell. It is one of the most popular ways to catch up with friends. Building our own KFC Crispy Chicken Recipe is a good time for honing skills.

Do not fret about whether you can create the exact replica of the KFC Crispy chicken recipe or not. In stead close to that will also work. The chicken of this crispy chicken is juicy enough to booze.

Ingredients that make it so crispy:

1 whole chicken, cut up and marinated

250 ml milk

200 grams of all-purpose flour

About 2 liters of shortening (for cooking)

1 egg, well beaten

2 & 1/2 teaspoon of salt

3/4 teaspoon pepper

3/4 teaspoon of mono sodium glutamate

1/8 teaspoon paprika

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

1/8 teaspoon baking powder

Ingredients to make it delicious:

To make it delicious like KFC marinate it with the following ingredients:

2 tablespoons of potassium chloride

2 tablespoons kosher salt

4 tablespoons mono sodium glutamate

1/8 tablespoon garlic powder

1/3 cup of chicken base and

5 cups water


Mix together the above mentioned ingredients to marinate the chicken pieces. Marinate the chicken pieces properly so that the spices cover each piece completely.

Keep the marinated chicken in refrigerator for 24 hours so that the spices loose the flavor into the chicken pieces.

Set the temperature of the deep-fryer to 365 degrees Fahrenheit. Preheat the shortening in a deep fryer at this temperature.

Take a bowl and whisk the beaten egg and milk to blend them properly.
Take another bowl and whisk the coating ingredients that are: flour, salt, monosodium glutamate, and pepper.
Use paper towels to drench the excess liquid from the marinated raw chicken.

Four coatings on the marinated chicken:

Dip the chicken pieces in egg and milk mixture.

Coat the chicken with the dry flour mixture.

Again dip it in egg and milk mixture.

Again coat the chicken with dry flour mixture.

The above are four layers of coating on the chicken pieces to make it extra crispy.

Drop the marinated and coated chicken pieces into the hot shortening. Deep fry them for 12-15 minutes. Make sure they are cooked properly. The clue is its golden brown color. Stir them frequently so that they are cooked evenly.

After proper frying keep chicken pieces on a paper towel so that they drench their oil completely.

Crispy chicken is ready to serve. The moment it was on the dinner table eyes followed it greedily to have single bite of that crispy chicken. The chatty friend circle fell silent as they ate the copy of KFC crispy chicken.

Many of the folks found it quite close to the KFC crispy chicken recipe. Try it and then find it out.

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